Sunday, August 15, 2010

Latest Additions and Revisions to Our Bibliography

Here are the latest new and revised bibliography entries. As always, we've also been correcting old links and adding new ones throughout the website. If you have suggestions or would like to contribute reviews, please let us know.

The Amazing Transforming Superhero! Essays on the Revision of Characters in Comic Books, Film and Television. Edited by Terrence R. Wandtke. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2007.

Bildgeschichten für Chinas Massen: Comic und Comicproduktion im 20 Jahrhundert. By Andreas Seifert. Böhlau, 2008.

Building Literacy Connections with Graphic Novels: Page by Page, Panel by Panel. James Bucky Carter, editor. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2007.

The Comic Book Curriculum: Using Comics to Enhance Learning and Life. By James Rourke. Libraries Unlimited, 2010.

The Comic Strip in America: A Bibliography, by David Manning White. Boston: Communications Research Center, Boston University, School of Public Relations and Communications, 1961.

Comics and the City: Urban Space in Print, Picture and Sequence. Ed. Jörn Ahrens and Arno Meteling. Continuum, 2010.

Foundation Course: Cartooning. By John Richardson. Cassell Illustrated, 2006.

Graphic Novels Beyond the Basics: Insights and Issues for Libraries. Martha Cornog and Timothy Perper, eds. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited - ABC-CLIO, 2009.

Our Hero: Superman on Earth. By Tom De Haven. Icons of America. New Haven: Yale UP, 2010.



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