Tuesday, November 27, 2012

CFP: Graphic Art: Violence and Healing in Comics and Graphic Novels [ROMOCOCO] (Mar. 1; May 28-30)

  Call for Papers
Graphic Art:
Violence and Healing in Comics and Graphic Novels
Rocky Mountain Conference
on Comics and Graphic Novels
May 28-30, 2013
Contact email: cfp@romococo.com
Recent tragedies, including the Aurora shooting that struck close to the heart of the ROMOCOCO and Denver Comic Con family, have turned the national conversation towards the roots and consequences of violence. Though there are many sociological and psychological areas of study that theorize about the relationship between violence in the media and “real world” violence, it is also important to examine this pervasive topic through literary analysis. For ROMOCOCO 2013, we are particularly interested in essays that investigate the role, purpose and representation of violence in comic books and graphic novels and/or their subsequent film versions. Some possible topics include, but are not limited to:
  • The Dark Knight Rises specifically; Batman generally
  • Gender and violence
  • Formal violence—how the medium itself encourages a visual assault on the eye and page
  • Violence and ethics—how is violence justified?
  • Postapocalyptic violence
  • Rebuilding from catastrophe
  • Verbal violence
  • Critiques of violence in story or theme
  • Cartoonish vs. realistic representations of violence
  • Girard’s Violence and the Sacred and comics
  • Violence and psychology/psychoanalysis (Freudian, Jungian, etc.)
  • Resisting violence
  • War and peace
  • Violence and the environment/environmental violence
  • Trauma Theory
Though we are looking to focus on this theme, any essays or panels on other topics current in comics scholarship are also welcomed. ROMOCOCO strongly encourages multimedia presentations, and will provide basic A/V equipment for all panels.
Deadline for submission is March 1, 2013. Abstracts of up to 500 words and a brief personal bio should be emailed to cfp@romococo.com.

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CFP: Comics and the Multimodal World [Comics Grid] (Douglas College, Canada) (Jan. 15; June 13-16)

Call For Papers:
Graphixia and Comics Grid
Spring Conference 2013:
Comics and the Multimodal World
13-16 June 2013, Douglas College
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Deadline for proposals: 15 January 2013

This conference is a collaborative, multidisciplinary exploration and celebration of sequential art, multimodal narrative, and comics. We welcome submissions on any of the following themes:
Comics and Internationalism
  • How can comics overcome the limitations of language by promoting an international language of the image?
Comics and Digital Culture
  • What are the linkages between comics scholarship and the digital humanities? 
  • Why are these linkages so prevalent?
Multimodal narrative and First Nations/Aboriginal Cultures
  • What is the relationship between image and story in First Nations culture, and how does that relationship connect with other modes of graphic storytelling?
Comics, Information Design, and Skill Development
  • How can we use comics to teach document use, visual culture, and new literacies?
As the themes suggest, the conference aims to attract scholars from a diverse set of disciplines who are interested in further defining this burgeoning academic area and linking it to other fields.
The conference will be international in scope: we will attract scholars from as many places in the world as possible. To this end, we will put out a far-reaching call for papers and announce the conference is as many ways as possible.

The conference will encourage student participation by including student-oriented sessions, workshops and/or seminars and “teach-ins” with experts in the field. The conference steering committee will investigate ways of making it as easy and desirable as possible for students to attend.

In addition to being an academic event, the conference will also be a cultural and community event, featuring a festival of sequential art alongside its academic forums, encouraging the participation of emerging local artists, comics practitioners, and book sellers.

While the conference will be centred at the New Westminster campus of Douglas College, we would like to involve other local venues, the Quay for example, in the event. Local schools and libraries may also participate. The conference will be an opportunity for Douglas College to assert itself as a community and cultural hub.

New Westminster, known as the Royal City, is a part of Metropolitan Vancouver, the third most populous urban region in Canada. Vancouver is known for its livability and for its beautiful geography: it is on the Pacific Ocean and ringed by mountains. The city is also famous as a “foodie” city, hosting notable high-end restaurants as well as more casual fare.

Douglas College is connected to the downtown core of Vancouver by the Skytrain rapid transit system. The journey takes 25 minutes.

While the conference is in session, though not connected with it, the Vancouver Art Gallery will be hosting Art Spiegelman Co-Mix: A Retrospective of Comics, Graphics, and Scraps.

For further information or clarifications, please e-mail Graphixia2013@gmail.com.
To submit a proposal, complete the proposal form and submit not later than 15 January 2013.

This message was originally published by Peter Wilkins on the Comics Grid (4 October 2012).

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

CFP: Indigenous 'Deep' Space: Indigenous Absence and Presence in Sci-Fi and Comics (Dec 2; Feb 13-16)

Call for Papers:
Indigenous 'Deep' Space:
Indigenous Absence and Presence
in Sci-Fi and Comics
Native/Indigenous Studies Area
Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Association

Southwest/Texas Popular & American Culture Association's 34th Annual Conference in Albuquerque, NM

Submit abstracts to: http://conference2013.swtxpca.org/

***DEADLINE Extended to December 2, 2012***

Paper proposals are now being accepted for a panel dedicated to the absence and presence of Indigenous characters and cultures in popular sci-fi and comics. From Star Trek Voyager's Chakotay to the X-Men's Danielle Moonstar, sci-fi and comic genres have capitalized on the Indigenous landscape for characters and cultures. This panel asks presenters to examine and discuss the absence and presence of Indigenous characters and cultures in these popular genres.

Listed below are some suggestions for possible presentations but topics not included here are welcomed and encouraged:
  • Indigenous writers of sci-fi and speculative fiction genres
  • Indigenous cultures in space (issues of colonization that mirror Indigenous histories in sci-fi deep space settings)
  • Blue Corn Comics
  • Indigenous/Native American descended characters in sci-fi
  • Indigenous/Native American descended characters in comic and graphic novels
  • Specific sci-fi T.V. shows and webisodes incorporating Indigenous cultures and characters (episodes of Stargate, Angel, Buffy, Star Trek, etc.)
  • Online comics
  • History of Indigenous characters in sci-fi or comics
Inquiries regarding this area may be sent to Brian Hudson and Margaret Vaughan at *nativestudiespca@gmail.com*

Please forward this information to people who would be interested in participating.

Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nativeswtxpca and Twitter @nativeswtxpca

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

CFP: Comics, Picturebooks and Childhood [journal issue] (March 31)

Comics, Picturebooks and Childhood
Special issue of the
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Special Issue Editors: 
Dr. Mel Gibson (University of Northumbria)
Dr. Kay Sambell (University of Northumbria)
Dr. Golnar Nabizadeh (The University of Western Australia)

This special edition will explore links between these two media in relation to childhood. Both have been studied in relation to how they work (key examples being Maria Nikoljeva and Carole Scott (2001) How Picturebooks Work and Thierry Groensteen (2007) The System of Comics). The history, specific creators, culture and audiences for these media have also been areas of research. Focusing on the links across illustration, graphic narratives and visual culture, this special issue offers critical interventions on the field of comics and picturebooks.

They are not typically considered together, although some research has done so, for example Mel Gibson (2010) 'Graphic Novels, Comics and Picturebooks' in David Rudd (ed) Routledge Companion to Children's Literature (pp.100-111) and David Lewis (1998) ‘Oops!: Colin McNaughton and “Knowingness”’ in Children’s Literature in Education, 29 (2), pp. 59-68.

In relation to audience (a focus in Lewis, above), comics and picturebooks have frequently been associated with younger readers, despite the two being very flexible media which can be used to address readers of all ages on any topic. When such assumptions are dominant, this is usually related to perceptions of what might be ‘appropriate’ content.

Sometimes controversy is about an entire medium as outlined by John A. Lent (1999), in ‘Comics Controversies and Codes: Reverberations in Asia’ This chapter in Pulp Demons: International Dimensions of the Postwar Anti-Comics Campaign flagged up ways in manga were seen as having an impact upon the health and morals of young people in South Korea, Japan, the Philippines and Taiwan between the 1940s and the 1980s (pp179-214).

Equally, controversy might focus on a single text, as was the case in relation to the British publication of Jenny lives with Eric and Martin by Suzanne Bösche (originally published in Denmark as Mette bor hos Morten og Erik), one of the first picturebooks focusing on homosexuality and family structure. This single text was a key element in Britain in the introduction of the Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 which forbade the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality by local government.

In both these cases, what may be seen to underpin controversy relating to these media are social constructions of childhood, a concept developed within Childhood Studies and perhaps best illustrated by Allison James and Alan Prout (eds.) (1990) Constructing and Reconstructing Childhood.

This issue also constitutes an attempt to extend the scope of scholarship on the comic and the picturebook beyond US/UK and European critical frameworks by highlighting Asian and Australian visual cultures and contexts.

Proposals are sought on, but not limited to the following;
  • Creators who work with both these media, such as Raymond Briggs and Shaun Tan.
  • Picturebook creators who are influenced by comics. For example, the ways in which the work of Maurice Sendak is influenced by that of Winsor McCay
  • Comics for children and constructions of childhood
  • Controversies around comics, picturebooks, childhood and child readers
  • Defining the borders and emerging areas in comic book scholarship
  • Manga, comics and picturebooks
  • Comic book conventions and avant-garde innovations
  • Divergences and intersections between comic books and picturebooks
  • When and how does a comic book creator become perceived as a picture book creator?
  • In what ways do constructions of childhood as innocent and vulnerable impact upon what is considered suitable content in a comic or a picture book?
Deadline for proposals for 5000-7000 word articles is March 31st 2013 (for issue 5:1, June/July 2014 of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rcom20/current). Send proposals to Dr Mel Gibson at mel.gibson@northumbria.ac.uk

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Swann Foundation Accepting Fellowship Applications (Feb. 15)

The Swann Foundation for Caricature and Cartoon, administered by the Library of Congress, is accepting applications for its graduate fellowship, one of the few in the field, for the 2013-2014 academic year.

Deadline for applications is February 15, 2013. Please email swann@loc.gov or call (202) 707-9115 if you have questions. For criteria, guidelines, and application forms, please see:

Martha H. Kennedy
Curator, Popular & Applied Graphic Art
Library of Congress
101 Independence Avenues SE
Washington, DC  20549-4730
voice:  (202) 707-9115; fax: (202) 707-6647

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CFP: Heroines: Images of Women Through Literature and Popular Culture [essay collection] (Jan. 15)

Call for Book Chapter Proposals
Images of Women
Through Literature and Popular Culture

Bob Batchelor, Maja Bajac-Carter, and Norma Jones are calling for proposals for essays to be included in an anthology focused on heroines. Portrayals of female heroes are often limited to roles of the sacrificial heroine (sacrificed for a cause or benefit of others) and Heidi Redeemers (overcome great obstacles by being pure and loving). More recently, articulations of Woman Warriors (as girl power) have become more prevalent in popular culture (Xena, Amazons).

However, heroines may be more complex. In this anthology, the editors hope to further complicate and problematize portrayals of women (as heroines) in popular culture.

Essays should, in some manner, contribute to understandings of how heroines are portrayed, as well as how they might empower and/or constrain. For example, instead of conforming to male heroic norms, how does a heroine re-articulate what it means to be a woman?

The topics below provide general direction for possible chapters, but individual authors may adapt them to fit interests. The editors also welcome proposals for related topics:
  • Heroines across cultures
  • New Fictional Heroines
  • New Women Warriors
  • Comic Book Superheroines
  • Witches and Priestesses
Please email heroine@kent.edu for further information. Please include:
  • a tentative chapter title
  • brief synopsis/proposal of your approach
  • and your C.V.
The deadline for proposals is January 15, 2012.

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

CFP: Anime and Manga [PCA/ACA, Washington D.C.] (Nov. 30; Mar. 27-30)

Anime and Manga
PCA/ACA 2013 National Conference
Washington D.C.
March 27-30, 2013

This is the national meeting of the Popular Culture Association and the American Culture Association. This submission is under the area “Asian Popular Culture.” There are two “Calls for Papers.”  

Deadline: November 30, 2012

Submissions should be submitted online. Instructions can be found here: http://pcaaca.org/national-conference-2/proposing-a-presentation-at-the-conference/

In addition, please submit your proposal to Wendy Goldberg (wdgoldbe@olemiss.edu), who will organize these panels.

CFP: The “Abject” in Anime and Manga

This call is for papers that focus on the “abject” in anime and manga. French theorist, Julia Kristeva, in her essay, “Powers of Horror,” defines the abject as that which threatens the boundary between subject and object, producing fear and revulsion.  The classic “abject” example would be the corpse which is like/unlike a living body.

Papers may not necessarily deal directly with Kristeva’s theories but participants are encouraged to explore the use of the horrific or the grotesque in anime and manga. Papers may explore how the abject comment on social or political institutions in addition to individual identities.

CFP: Teaching with Anime and Manga

Participants are encouraged to submit proposals about how they teach courses on anime and manga or how they integrate anime and manga into classes. Some questions to consider:
  • What do you teach and how do you teach it? 
  • How does anime and manga support the goals of the class?
  • What has been student reaction to the subject?
  • What has been the institution’s reaction to the subject?

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

CFP: Texts, Forms and Readings in Europe (18th-21st Centuries) [SHARP; France] (Dec. 7; May 22-24)

While this CFP doesn't explicitly mention comics, there certainly seems to be room for work on the form here...

Call for Papers
Texts, Forms and Readings in Europe
(18th – 21st Centuries)
22-24 May 2013 - Université du Maine, Le Mans, France
(SHARP International Focussed conference)

This conference will question the relevance of the notion of a common European reader with regard to the evolution of reading practices from the so-called reading revolution in the 18th century until the current digital revolution. Europe is known as the birthplace of books, and it remains a major seat of book publishing and translating. Since an early stage its strongly established book culture has implied the durable circulation of books. This tradition has contributed to cultural exchanges and to the creation of reading communities across national borders. A relationship to the book and to reading, as well as their promotion and enhancement, seems to be a common value and a significant component of European identity. However, book policies and reading practices in Europe have varied from one region to another throughout history. Such idiosyncrasies – whether regional, national, social, economic, cultural or legal – make European identity recognizable even though nowadays globalization and the digital revolution tend to reduce those specificities.

Guglielmo Cavallo and Roger Chartier’s A History of Reading in the West (Polity Press, 1999) has taught us that reading is not an abstract action: it realizes itself through practices, situations, and readers, who “are never faced with an abstract, ideal text detached from everything material: they manipulate objects; they listen to words whose modalities govern the way they read or listen, but in the process also govern ways of comprehending the text.” Taking into account the strong link between texts, forms and readings as well as the fact that reading has not remained immutable, this interdisciplinary conference will study the elements of continuity and disruption that are characteristic of the uses of texts and of reading practices in 18th-21st-century Europe.

The conference welcomes proposals on the following topics:
  • The relationship between reading practices and the evolution of printed material forms.
  • The effect of new formats (audio, digital etc.) on reading theories and practices.
  • The relationship between new social issues, new groups of readers and new kinds of reading practices.
  • The correlation between cultural policies, educational policies, national identities and reading.
  • The existence, resistance or erosion of potential European reading models.
  • New and former sites of communal or solitary reading.
  • Access to science and knowledge through books and reading.
  • The role and issues of image and non-book printed material in informal reading practices.
  • The representation of reading in the arts (film, literature, painting, photography).
We have planned a pre-workshop for early career researchers (including PhD students and post-docs) interested in all aspects of children’s, teenagers’ and young adults’ reading practices. This pre-workshop will consist of a poster session with a moderator.

  • Proposals should adhere to the aforementioned spatiotemporal frame and may consist of a case study or of a broader theoretical approach.
  • Papers with a comparative approach are particularly welcome.
  • The languages of the conference are English and French.
  • The proposals (a 500-word abstract in French or in English, specifying the theoretical and methodological context, sources, etc.) will be reviewed by the program committee.
  • Papers will be considered for further publication.
Proposals for 20-minutes presentations should be sent to the program committee before December 7th, 2012: Prof. Brigitte Ouvry-Vial Textes-Formes-Lectures2013@univ-lemans.fr

Proposals of posters (A1) for the pre-workshop should also be sent to Corinna Norrick-Rühl norrick@uni-mainz.de

  • Deadline for submission of proposals: 7th December 2012
  • Notification of acceptance: 15th January 2013
  • Deadline for confirmation of participation: 1st February 2013Practical details (registration fees etc.) will be sent with the notification of acceptance
Guest speakers:
Opening lecture by Prof. Roger Chartier (Collège de France)
Closing lecture by Prof. Bernard Lahire (Ecole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines)

Program committee:
Laurent Bazin (University Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines), Jean-François Botrel(University Rennes II), Lodovica Braida (University Milano), Hans-Jurgen Lüsebrink (University Sarreland), BrigitteOuvry-Vial (University Maine), Nathalie Richard (University Maine), Jürgen Ritte (University Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle)

Institutional partners: SHARP; Université du Maine (Le Mans) ; Lab « Langues, Littératures, Linguistique » Universities of Angers and Maine; Dipartimento di Studi storici from Università degli Studi Milano and APICE; Ville du Mans ; Carré Plantagenêt, Musée d’Art et d’Histoire (le Mans).

Location: Le Mans is located 50 mn from Paris by train. In the middle of Region Pays-de-la-Loire, it is famous for its white wines, its Rillettes special pâté, and aside from the formula One race « 24 heures du Mans », it features several theater companies and a stunning historical district, Cité Plantagenêt (the film Cyrano de Bergerac was shot there), where conference participants will enjoy crawling.

Thank you for your attention and proposals,

Brigitte Ouvry-Vial
Professeur des Universités
Université du Maine (Le Mans, France)

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

CFP: 2013 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy [Toronto, Ontario] (Feb. 15; June 7-8)

Call for Papers
2013 Academic Conference on
Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy
Merril Collection of Science Fiction,
Speculation and Fantasy
Toronto, Ontario
June 7-8, 2013 

The 2013 Academic Conference on Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy will be held on Friday, June 7, and Saturday, June 8, 2013, in Toronto, Ontario, at the Merril Collection of Science Fiction, Speculation and Fantasy, one of the world’s most important collections of fantastic literature.

We invite proposals for papers in any area of Canadian science fiction and fantasy, including:
  • studies of individual works and authors;
  • comparative studies;
  • studies that place works in their literary and/or cultural contexts.
Papers may be about works in any medium: literature, film, graphic novels and comic books, and so on.  For studies of the audio-visual media, preference will be given to discussions of works produced in Canada or involving substantial Canadian creative contributions.

Papers should be no more than 20 minutes long, and geared toward a general as well as academic audience.  Please submit proposals (max. 500 words), preferably via email, to:

Dr. Allan Weiss
Department of English
York University
4700 Keele St.
Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3

Deadline: February 15, 2013

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Thursday, November 08, 2012

CFP: Australasian Journal of Popular Culture "All-Pulp" Issue (Feb. 1)

Call for Papers:
Australasian Journal of Popular Culture
"All-Pulp" Issue
The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture is seeking submissions of articles for an "all-pulp" issue.  This issue will be co-edited by the journal's editor, Toni-Johnson Woods, and Justin Everett, area chair for Pulp Studies for the Popular Culture Association. 

Our aim is to produce a truly international publication, and so we encourage articles that explore pulp in every nation!  We are not limiting "pulp" to the American magazine tradition, but wish to include the pulp traditions of countries outside the U.S. which may include paperbacks, comics, and other forms as appropriate to that country's tradition.  Please include as many images as is appropriate to your article.

The Australasian Journal of Popular Culture is a double-blind refereed journal and is the official publication of Popcaanz (Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand).

We are embracing all meanings of “pulp” and are particularly interested in innovative approaches to scholarship—practitioners, artists, and fans are welcome to submit material.  We are also interested in material that comes from the broadest possible spectrum and can include:

•    Print – digests and cheap fiction
•    Pulp “industry”
•    Merchandise
•    Film
•    Music
•    Websites
•    Comics
•    Radio
•    Book Reviews – please submit your pulp book for review
•    Exhibition Reviews
•    Photographic essay

Submission Deadline:  Feb. 1, 2013 for full papers.

All papers must conform to the journal’s style guide (British English):

Please submit articles of between 4,000 and 6,000 words to the editors:
Toni Johnson-Woods, t.johnsonwoods@uq.edu.au

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Tuesday, November 06, 2012

CFP: Comics and the History of the Book - SHARP/APA (Nov. 15; Jan. 3-6 2014)

Call for Papers
SHARP/AHA Affiliate Panel:
Comics and the History of the Book

The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) seeks participants for its affiliated panel session at the January 3-6, 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association in Washington D.C. Participants will take part in a roundtable conversation on the panel’s theme: “Comics and the History of the Book.”

In recent years scholars have investigated the significance of comic books and graphic novels. This round table aims to explicate how a book history approach to comics, broadly construed, can enrich our understanding of this medium. Those interested in participating in the panel should submit a short abstract (300 words) describing their current research interests and a statement on the key issues related to this field. Preference will be given to proposals that consider the evolution of comics since the early twentieth century. Additional topics of interest include: authorship, circulation and distribution, advertising, comics and gender, audience, legitimacy of the medium, production technologies, non-linear reading, aesthetics and format, censorship, and copyright.
Please submit abstracts and a brief CV by Thursday, November 15, to Robb Haberman at robb.haberman@du.edu.

Please note that if selected to serve on the panel, all participants must be members of both AHA and SHARP.

Follow us for updates about this panel!
SHARP at the AHA on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SHARPatAHA
SHARP at the AHA on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SHARPatAHA

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CFP: International Comic Arts Forum [extended] (Nov. 12; May 23-25)

** The deadline to submit proposals for the next ICAF has been extended to Monday, Nov. 12.**

May 23-25, 2013
University of Oregon, Portland

ICAF, the International Comic Arts Forum, invites proposals for scholarly papers for its sixteenth annual meeting, to be held at the White Stag Building at the University of Oregon in Portland, from Thursday, May 23, through Saturday, May 25, 2013. The deadline to submit proposals is November 12, 2012. (Scroll down for proposal guidelines and submission information.)

  • ICAF welcomes original proposals from diverse disciplines and theoretical perspectives on any aspect of comics or cartooning, particularly studies that reflect an international perspective. 
  • Studies of aesthetics, production, distribution, reception, and social, ideological, and historical significance are all equally welcome, as are studies that address larger theoretical issues linked to comics or cartooning, for example in image/text studies or new media theory.
  • In recognition of the University of Oregon’s new undergraduate minor in Comics and Cartoon Studies, we are hoping to schedule a special panel on larger issues pertaining to the teaching and study of comics. We are therefore particularly interested in papers that address the study of comics as an academic discipline by itself and within other disciplines.

PROPOSAL GUIDELINES: For its refereed presentations, ICAF prefers argumentative, thesis-driven papers that are clearly linked to larger critical, artistic, or cultural issues; we strive to avoid presentations that are merely summative or survey-like in character. We can accept only original papers that have not been presented or accepted for publication elsewhere. Presenters should assume an audience versed in comics and the fundamentals of comics studies. Where possible, papers should be illustrated by relevant images. Presentations must be timed to finish within the strict limit of twenty (20) minutes. Proposals should not exceed 300 words.

REVIEW PROCESS: All proposals will be subject to blind review by the ICAF Executive Committee. The final number of papers accepted will depend on the needs of the conference program. Due to high interest in the conference, in recent years ICAF has typically been able to accept only one third to one half of the proposals it has received.

AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT: ICAF's preferred format for the display of images is MS PowerPoint. Regretfully, we cannot accommodate non-digital media such as transparencies, slides, or VHS tapes. Presenters should bring their PowerPoint or other electronic files on a USB key.

SEND ABSTRACTS (with complete contact information, including state, province, or country of residence) by November 12, 2012, to C. W. Marshall, ICAF Academic Program Director, via email at: toph.marshall@ubc.ca

Receipt of all proposals will be acknowledged. Applicants should expect to receive confirmation of acceptance or rejection by December 3, 2012. Please visit our website for more information (http://www.internationalcomicartsforum.org) and like our Facebook page for conference updates (http://www.facebook.com/icafcomic)

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CFP: Scotland and the Birth of Comics / International Bande Dessinée Society (Dec. 31; June 24-28)

International Comics Conference /
International Bande Dessinée Society
2013 Conference

Glasgow and Dundee

Monday 24th - Friday 28th June 2013


Scotland and the Birth of Comics
Call for Papers
Comics have a long tradition in Scotland. Many argue that the Northern Looking Glass (1826) is the world’s first modern comic, and DC Thomson’s The Dandy (1937 - present) is the world’s longest running comic. The place of comics in Scotland will be celebrated by an exhibition in the Hunterian in 2016 showcasing the Glasgow- based Northern Looking Glass, as well as comics from DC Thomson in Dundee. In anticipation of this the International Graphic Novels and Bande Dessinée Society conference in 2013 has adopted the guiding theme Scotland and the Birth of Comics. However, the conference, like the exhibition, will focus on broader questions relating to text/image history and the cultural status of comics, their contemporary creation in Scotland and beyond, in national traditions, especially European ones, but also in wider world traditions, and, for IBDS, specifically French-language ones. The conference organisers also invite papers on comics and identity, cross-border influences, and comics outwith the printed page.

With this broad framework in mind the organising committee for the joint International Comics Conference and International Bande Dessinée Society (IBDS) conference welcome abstracts on all areas of scholarship relating to comics, the graphic novel, and bande dessinée. The conference will be mainly based in Glasgow although one day will be held in Dundee.

Abstracts of 100 words in advance of a 20-minute paper, as well as questions and expressions of interest, should be sent to: 


31st December 2012 

Laurence Grove
Reader in French
Director, Stirling Maxwell Centre
University of Glasgow
00 44 141 / 0141 330 6350
00 44 141 / 0141 330 4583

Stirling Maxwell Centre for the Study of Text/Image Cultures:
International Bande Dessinée Society: www.arts.gla.ac.uk/ibds
European Comic Art: http://journals.berghahnbooks.com/eca/
Les Amis de Tristan L'Hermite: http://lesamisdetristan.org

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